דלג לתוכן דלג לפוטר


Instructional design process has one goal, to teach a desired content to a specific audience in the most efficient way


Everything surrounding us in this world is information – the depth of the Sea, the first President's middle name of the or the exact date of the landing on the moon  …
we are living among huge amounts of information divided into small bits.

Every person, regardless of where he is, whether it is a vast park, an office on the 14th floor or just standing in the middle of the street, is surrounded by innumerable pieces of information.

When a person learns, he actually takes the information item and "assimilates" it inside him, making it part of his knowledge.

When we meet new customers, we create a dialogue with them, ask them all the relevant questions and understand together with them what the instructional needs are.

When we fully understand our customer world, knowledge, gaps and needs We sketch the ideal solution for those needs.

In the next stage, we produce the solution, whether it is developing training tools such as a tutorial video, a manual or an electronic checklist, a full training day or an annual training program.

We deliver a tailor-maid solution in a most efficient, cost effective way.

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